
Marko Genero, viola | Marija Grazio, piano

Date created: 23.01.2024.
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Marko Genero, viola

Marija Grazio, piano


Prominent soloists of a wide artistic range, violist Marko Genero and composer and pianist Marija Grazio, will perform on the festival stage as a violist-pianist duo from Dubrovnik. As a duo, Genero and Grazio together won the prestigious music critics' prize, the Darko Lukić Award. Part of their programme at the 75th Festival will be the premiere performance of the pianist's latest composition.




H.I.F. Biber:

Passacaglia in C minor for Solo Viola


Marija Grazio:

A piece for viola and piano (PREMIERE)


Marija Grazio:

Piano Sonata


Chloe Pfeiffer (Paris):


(premieres in March, 2024)


Gilad Hochman :

Akeda (The Binding of Isaac) for Solo Viola


Traditional Palestinian melody for viola and piano


Boris Papandopulo:

Sonata for Viola and Piano

Tres vif





Arvo Pärt:

Spiegel im Spiegel, for Viola and Piano



Photo (c) Vedran Levi